March 10, 2019

Always Remember

Series: Exodus Topic: Exodus Passage: Exodus 13:1–22

We should not live in past, but we also must not forget the past. We grow through constant reminders of the awe and wonder of being redeemed, the joy of knowing you belong to God, that His is faithful in all His promises to you in Christ, and that He will never leave you. These truths are worth fighting for…fighting to remember.

other sermons in this series

Nov 24


God Came Down

Speaker: Scott Crook Passage: Exodus 40:1–38 Series: Exodus

Nov 17


The Covenant Renewed

Passage: Exodus 34:1–35 Series: Exodus

Nov 3


Valuing God's Presence

Passage: Exodus 33:13–23 Series: Exodus