Don't Skip that Scene
Speaker: Josh Montague Series: Mark Topic: Default Passage: Mark 11:1–11
Often the Triumphal Entry is portrayed as a victorious, glad occasion. Mark’s Gospel helps see a different side. Jesus wasn’t entering Jerusalem for a coronation. He was entering for an execution. The cross needed to come before the crown. And so it is for our lives as well. In our trials and suffering, God is often doing his greatest work.
other sermons in this series
Oct 23
Mark in the Rear View: Remembering and Reflecting
Speaker: Josh Montague Passage: Mark 1:1– 16:8 Series: Mark
Oct 16
Just As He Told You
Speaker: Nathan Treguboff Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:40– 16:8 Series: Mark
Oct 9
Forsaken to Save - The Crucifixion
Speaker: Nathan Treguboff Passage: Mark 15:21–47 Series: Mark