August 23, 2020

A Better Priesthood

Series: Hebrews Topic: Hebrews Passage: Hebrews 7:11–28

After Jesus laid down His life for us, He rose from the dead in resurrection power, guaranteeing that all who trust in Him would not only be made sinless like He is, but death would no longer have claim on our lives either. In Christ, we are free from death, free from bondage, free from judgment, and are given eternal life, forever with Jesus, whose priesthood is forever. 

other sermons in this series

Dec 13


Equipped in Christ with Everything Good

Passage: Hebrews 13:18–25 Series: Hebrews

Dec 6


Nov 22


A Kingdom That Cannot be Shaken

Speaker: Nathan Treguboff Passage: Hebrews 12:18–29 Series: Hebrews